Maybe it's my new singledom, or sheer boredom, but I have been watching more bad television and getting up to date on the lastest celebrity gossip. I've never cared about this shit before.
Actually, I'm not sure that I do now, but I'm finding it vaguely amusing.
More of that later. Let me get to the point.
I've recently seen a few bits and pieces of "Beauty and the Geek." I'm sure this can't be a positive thing in my life; but alas, it just is.
So... tonight I turn the channel and there are about ten guys painting a naked woman while she rattles on about herself. I'm not sure if it was "Beauty and the Geek" or some other similar type of show (I'm not quite that savvy yet), but here's what happened:
The guys finished their paintings, expecting to be judged on their artistic (or not-so-artistic) renditions. But... as always... the judges threw a twist into the mix. "Remember how I told you that you have to listen to women." They were being judged on how well they listened to the rambling model. Let the games begin.
It took two questions to determine the winner.
1. What was her name.
Four of the ten answered it correctly.
2. What movie was she up watching last night. (This was all she spoke about.)
Only one.
The rest of the men had done everything they could to tune her out. And of course, there was the added distraction of her titties...
These men aren't geeks at all. They're just men... not hoping to get laid.
A friend of mine (probably an ex) once told me that a man only listens to a women when he stands something to gain.
I always hope that anyone talking to me might have something to gain.
...if only a bit of good conversation...
I've seen that Beauty and the Geek show! It's truly an atrocious piece of pop culture. I think the best part I saw was during one of the elimination rounds when they were asking the girls questions on US geography. "Which state is farther south: North Carolina or South Dakota?" Her answer: S. Dakota. Of course. I hope she breeds.
You can rest assured that you have not sunk to the bottom yet. I know because I have been there and this show doesn't sound nearly trashy enough.
I onced watched a full year of Elimadate reruns. Yep, Elimadate. I even got excited when they ran marathons and back-to-back episodes. In my own defense during this time my girlie was an infant with a sleep problem and I was very sleep deprived.
i can't help loving that show beauty and the geek. i find myself hating most of the women, but really liking the "geeks."
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