So.. what are the problems? What are the steps? What are the solutions? Let's see where we have to start. And let's start simple.
My skin is dry. My skin is old. It doesn't fit me anymore. It hangs on my bones. But I'm still fat. That's utterly disgusting.
More water. First and foremost, more water. I can do that. I can ACTUALLY do that. Now that I've quit smoking, I can actually do that. What's the goal? Eight bottles a day. Today, I've had none. It's 2:14 p.m., and I've had none. And don't think that I jumped up to run for the kitchen just as I wrote that. Nope, I haven't moved. But, I still feel I can do it. ;-)
See, I'm optimistic.
My stomach is a disaster! I love in constant flux between constipation and diarrhea, with a ton of acid reflux in the middle. It's quite painful, actually.
More fiber. I can do that. Oats, bran, whole wheats, rye, barley, beans, peas, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, citrus fruits, strawberries, apples. Yeah, I can do that. I eat plenty of oranges. I'll try more of the rest. What about nuts? Are nuts good? I eat plenty of nuts. But lately, they seem to hurt my stomach.
A better diet in general. I can do that too. No late night pizza. Hell, no pizza at all probably. The tomato does my no good, and the cheese just ain't much better. Oh, but it's so good.
What I can never get past is the short-vision quality of life. What's the point of all this stuff, if in the end, you can't enjoy every day because you're too busy depriving yourself. I know. It's not about that, but... I hate depriving myself. And I refuse to be one of those people that's constantly concocting little schemes to trick themselves. I don't want to have to rationalize how I am in no way depriving myself -- that in fact I would be depriving myself of a healthy, happy life if I did NOT do this. Oy! I'm just not that person!
I live in a house of mirrors, but I need to be honest with myself.
And then there's all that gravity and mushiness and parts now living in different places. This is not where my ass used to be. What's this here? Oh, my! "No, no, no, no, no," she says shaking her head and gesticulating wildly. "This is not me."
I must do exercise. It'd take a pretty powerful house of mirrors not to come to this conclusion.
1 comment:
hi d,
i can relate, even though i'm not a woman. when i was young kids would tease me and call me fat albert, even though i wasn't fat but i was albert and so i got this complex that no matter how skinny i was i still looked fat to me in the mirror. when i was your age i weighed 155 lbs at 6'1". people would ask if i'd been sick or why i was so skinny i brushed off the comments and kept starving.
where i'm going with this is that i understand.
today i'm 25lbs over my starvation weight and ya i look fat to me but not walmart fat so its ok.
today its what i do, what i create and my willingness to share and assist others that is my image not the structure of my physic. soon the plasm of my physical vehicle will wash away and i won't be encumbered on my next adventure.
conceive, believe, achieve.
your creativity is your most attractive attribute.
peace be with you, al b.
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