What am I to trust? Let's be serious here.
I trust some things.
I trust that people lie.
I trust that people act in their own self-interest.
I trust that people hurt one another — be it purposely or not.
I trust that people are not to be counted on.
I trust that people protect themselves and others at the cost of further others.
I trust that not all things are fair — in fact most things are not.
I trust that evil ways often pay — though I choose to remain unpaid, hence good.
I trust that people cheat, steal, and cause injury to others.
I trust that people are not inherently good — at least in practice, which matters most.
I trust a lot of things. You see.
So, what more should I trust? And how far should I take that trust?
So.. you love someone. So what? Does love equal trust? Why should it?
True, it may be necessary. But it's still quite dumb. I mean, hell, if we didn't trust, we might not be disappointed in the end. Isn't the demise of most relationships a matter of trust? Or the lack thereof? And injured trust. A trust betrayed. Well.. let me tell you something — you can't betray a nonexistant trust.
Who do you trust with your life? Why? Really? I mean, come on... really? With your life? Fuck that!
True love cannot exist without trust. This is one of the few things I believe quite blindly in.
If you think you love someone whom you don't trust, then... think again...
Excellent point prislander.
To use a "my momma always told me" line, Trust is something easily given at the beginning of any type of relatioinship. However, once you lose that trust it takes a very long time to earn it back. It goes from being a gift to being something you have to work really really hard to re-obtain and you may never be able to.
I agree with Espia (and her mom)almost 100%... the only caveat is that I do not think trust should be "easily given"... ever. I believe that when beginning to know someone you should always expect the best... but be prepared for the worst... a reasonable middle-ground that supports the optimist but recognizes the need to also be a realist...
BTW... that cat in the pic... sure has balls...
Yes, prislander.. the cat definitely has more balls than I.
I agree with both of you, of course, I just think the whole thing is a bit insane as well. Trust must be given, but at what cost?
Well, as far as the trust given as a gift thing...
To be quite base and frank I have had my ass BURNED on that one.
I have been rethinking my momma's advice, or rather how peachy keen my life has turned out and I have decided it's a bit like playing white elephant.
Yeah sure...you're both exchanging gifts and each box is so prettily wrapped and shiny....but what exactly is in the boxes???
In my case, it has been trust. A pretty damn good gift. However, I have had some unpleasant surprises upon wrapping theirs.
Falling in love, staying in love and especially refalling in love requires a great sacrifice for an intelligent woman. It requires one to take a deep breath and say, "Ok, I know I will most likely end up on the wrong end of this deal." and then put the blindfold over her eyes and jump off the edge of that building on just enough hope that the boob she picked (or let pick her) will not only remember, but show up in time to catch her before she splats all over the sidewalk.
I trust stereotypes.
D... as very well portrayed by espia, the cost of trust is vulnerability... and that's ok... you can't really enjoy your bike until you get rid of the training wheels... but then the risk of falling increases dramatically.
That is why trust cannot be blind... if there is one thing we can be sure of is that, no matter how highly skilled cyclists we become, eventually we will take a spill or two...
...and espia... if not too late, please ask Santa for a bungee cord... or a parachute... anything that will preclude the splatters...
If you do not manage your risk through your choices, then please manage them through your ensuing actions...
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