I'm not really into the whole "women are evil / men are just dogs" schtick, but... sometimes it's difficult not to fall into this trap.
I am in a relationship now — if you can call it that. And never in my life have I encountered such adversity. Never in my life have I encountered such evil manipulations, such hostile undertakings, such vile and underhanded jabs.
I am a woman. Yes. But I do not understand women at all. (Not that I understand men either, but... that's for a later rant.)
I have had many lovers, many friends, many acquaintances. I have wished evil on none. I have resented no one's happiness. And I have undertaken no underhanded tactics to destroy anyone's life — or even a piece of it.
In the past 5-7 years, however, I have experienced every kind of underhanded jab imaginable from countless of supposedly loyal women — friends of Q. Friends. Yes, friends. Friends?
So I am told. Though, try as I might, I simply cannot grasp this truth. Friends? How can it be so? Does a friend try to hurt you? I don't know these friends.
Hell, I have friends that tell it like it is. I have friends that occassionally rub salt in my wounds and say I told you so. But... it's not meant to hurt me. Not really. It's meant to make me see. Even when they're wrong, they are not malevolent.
Just what the hell does this mean to those freaky-assed women out there?
Friends? Really?
[[And while this may not seem to qualify as a feminist rant, I beg to differ, my friends. I am only trying to protect my own feminist ideal. We are better than this, girls. We are better.]]
I am in a relationship now — if you can call it that. And never in my life have I encountered such adversity. Never in my life have I encountered such evil manipulations, such hostile undertakings, such vile and underhanded jabs.
I am a woman. Yes. But I do not understand women at all. (Not that I understand men either, but... that's for a later rant.)
I have had many lovers, many friends, many acquaintances. I have wished evil on none. I have resented no one's happiness. And I have undertaken no underhanded tactics to destroy anyone's life — or even a piece of it.
In the past 5-7 years, however, I have experienced every kind of underhanded jab imaginable from countless of supposedly loyal women — friends of Q. Friends. Yes, friends. Friends?
So I am told. Though, try as I might, I simply cannot grasp this truth. Friends? How can it be so? Does a friend try to hurt you? I don't know these friends.
Hell, I have friends that tell it like it is. I have friends that occassionally rub salt in my wounds and say I told you so. But... it's not meant to hurt me. Not really. It's meant to make me see. Even when they're wrong, they are not malevolent.
Just what the hell does this mean to those freaky-assed women out there?
Friends? Really?
[[And while this may not seem to qualify as a feminist rant, I beg to differ, my friends. I am only trying to protect my own feminist ideal. We are better than this, girls. We are better.]]
No, women aren't evil. But wherever evil exists, so must good. We all possess the capacity for good or evil. That's what makes us human. It's all in the choices we make. I heard it said like this, "happiness is a decision you make, not an emotion you feel."
Nice picture btw! Jealousy is a perfect description.
Yes, I guess I'm just surprised by the astounding capacity for evil possessed by some. I seem to lack that — thank the gods.
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