Thursday, December 14, 2006

I am not impressed

I was sitting at a local coffee shop a couple days ago, waiting for a friend. The coffee shop closed, and I was asked to leave, so I did. I went outside to finish my coffee on a nearby bench by an art school. As I'm sitting there, still waiting, a handsome young man (whom I had seen inside the coffee shop earlier) comes over to my bench.

"I was drawing you inside, and I haven't quite finished. Do you mind if I sit down?"

Yes, I minded.

"No, of course not. Knock yourself out."

"Hasn't anyone ever sketched you before?"

"I don't know." Of course, I know. Yes. So what?

"I don't see a lot of people around here that inspire me"

Yeah, me neither.

"I haven't been inspired by many people since I got back from Spain last year."

Oh, god. Here we go again.

"I was sitting there, drawing you, and I suddenly felt like I was back in Paris."

Does he think Paris is in Spain?

Soon, enough, my friend showed up and wisked me away. Of course, he invited the handsome stranger to join us — assuming he was of friend — but the poor guy was already retreating, intimidated by another handsome man... or perhaps my lack of enthusiasm for his oh-so-European ways.

Ok, I admit, I tend to have a thing for artists — writers, painters, musicians, sculptors. It just works out that way. But... I hate the shtick. I don't have a thing for "artists" at all.. it just works out that way.

What? Am I supposed to jump on the guy because he has an artistic sensibility? I wonder if he can even draw? Or am I just supposed to jump him because he thinks I'm worth sketching? No. no. I think it's his European ways. Yes, that's it. Just mention any place in Europe and the girls cream their pants. Oy!

I'm not impressed.


Jenifer said...

Makes me think of a Friends episode. The one where everyone is telling the story about climbing the mountains in Spain (or any other European country with mountains that suits your fancy) to persuade members of the opposite sex to jump into bed with them. I wouldn't be impressed either.

Dulcinea said...

Funny. Yeah, I remember that one. (Shhhh)

La Espia T. said...

My curiousity would have gotten the better of me and I would have asked to see what he had drawn. Guess I'm just vain that way.

Funny when I do I never seem to judge their abilities if I dont like what I see. I only judge me.

You are a stronger chickie than me.

Dulcinea said...

Oh, shit. You have a point there. Weird. It never even occurred to me to ask to see it.