Monday, October 16, 2006

Birthdays? Forget birthdays. Who cares? Birthdays are for pussies. Yup. I'm ok with that really. I really am, despite the fact that most people don't believe it. But, come on, not a single birthday present or dinner or at least unusual niceties in the past five years, Yup.. and into the 30s. Fuck! Is that what it was going to be like?

He dumped me three times.

I guess that's important.

added: 10/16/06

Three times.
It kind of makes a girl act funny.
Three times.
Do you feel me know?


Alexis said...

It is so beyond me how it lasted this long in the first place. Have I ever forgotten your birthday?

I'm just glad you've come to your senses.

Dulcinea said...

It difficult to gauge the importance of things at times. What you deem important one moment isn't necessarily so the next.