Thursday, October 12, 2006

Is it a product of my masochism — this attraction I have for unstable individuals?

It seems sometimes that the only people I find interesting enough to want to get to know are totally wacked out. And while this does, indeed, make them quite interesting, it also makes them quite impossible.

Look, I'm not looking to spend time with suburban housewives here — not that there's anything wrong with it (Yes, I stole that one from Seinfeld.) — but it would be nice to engage someone "normal" for a change.

Don't feed the bears. That's my motto. Once you feed them, you open your door to all their shit. And believe you me, a bear does shit in the woods — even when there's no one there to hear it.

And yet... I love those damn bears. Love them.

1 comment:

Alexis said...

I'm up for this challenge. Should we try and find some normal people and attempt to interact with them? I wonder what would happen.