Tuesday, October 17, 2006

In the end, all we have are the details.

Nit-picking aside, relationships are one hell of a struggle. Never have I had one so difficult — or so rewarding. For a while I was even convinced that I was confusing chaos for passion, as so many of us do from time to time. I even wondered whether we were just getting off on the drama. I mean, we both claimed we didn't want drama, but we also bore so easily. So... were we creating drama out of mere boredom? Or were we using the drama to counteract the boredom? Or was the drama now even getting boring? Perhaps that's what did us in, in the end. Perhaps we got bored of the drama. Even chaos can strangle.

Passion. Drama. If I let go a bit, I don't care as much. That's what I said. That's what I know to be true. Do you want my passion, or my cool? I got both for you baby. I can be as laid back as you need me to. I always have been. But even that gets boring.

Do you want my passion? Ok. All yours. But then take it ALL, baby. Take it all. If you want me to unleash the beast, you must let it bite. You must feed it.

That's the trouble with people out there. Do they, or don't they? Do you? What's up with this half-assed bullshit? I dare you. Fuck, isn't that the point? I fucking dare you! Plunge in, mother fucker. Plunge in and fuck the hell out of me. But be prepared. I bite.

I don't want your half-assed bullshit, world. I want it ALL. Get it? I fucking want it all. And believe me, I don't ask for much.

There's the irony. I really don't ask for much. I just want it ALL. That's all, folks. This is no joke. I'm totally serious. I just want a full investment. If you're going to do it, mother fucker, then DO IT! Commit. Drive it home. Suck it!

Get it?

Suck the very marrow out of life, or don't bother living it. Get out from behind that fucking television set! Stop stopping. DO! You're not too old, or too young, or too tall, or too small, or too dark, or too white, or too queer, or too weird, or too fucking stupid. Ok, maybe you are too stupid. But only if you let that stop you. Live your fucking life. Invest yourself.


Why do anything half-hearted? That's what I don't understand?

You awoke the beast and you left it starving. This beast is dying... a sad and angry death.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW, I'm falling in love!.