Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Depression and alcohol problems often go together, but the evidence suggests that in men alcohol use preceded the depression, whereas in women the depression precedes the alcohol use.
{American Journal of Epidemiology, "Study Links Depression and Alcohol Problems," Washington Post Health, Dec. 16, 1997}

I shouldn't even post today. I should just remain quiet to spite myself. But that would only serve the purpose of easing my headache, and I definitely don't deserve THAT. I know. I know. I deserve every ounce of pain that I have called upon myself. And I will certainly add to that pain with some serious self-flagellation. But.. in the meantime.. what can I say?

I fucked up. I ran my mouth. I offended people. I offend myself!


I no longer have a space with cards on tables. I no longer have a space where anything goes. So. I lost my shit. I lost my shit. I offer no excuses. Forgive my addled mind.

Lahmejun. Lahmejun. Lahmejun.


Alexis said...

Addled mind aside, that's an interesting note on alcohol and depression.

When you apologize to Amber, she will accept. She's an excellent forgiver. I should know.

Dulcinea said...

As long as we're still on for tonight...

Anonymous said...

Trouble runs in doubles. And you two are trouble squared.

Dulcinea said...

Maria and I. Yeah. Definitely. That's why we have so much fun together. Ok, maybe not ALWAYS. Sometimes a girl's gotta sit on the sidelines, ya know.