While I haven't exactly been getting propositioned daily, I have determined that it is indeed time to take a vow of celibacy. Ok. Maybe not a vow. Now a vow at all. Just a quiet agreement with myself. Just a silent acknowledgement. I am not ready. I am most certainly not ready.
I had a panic attack on my first date back in the field. I had a fucking panic attack! What kind of pathetic shit is that? Clearly, I am not ready. And as pathetic as I might find this, I have no other option than to accept it. What am I to do? Force the issue? Yes, perhaps I can arrange it so that I do actually end up needing those irresponsibly prescribed anti-anxiety meds. How sad is that?
I will no longer endure the embarrassment. I must focus on me. I must not toss strange men from my apartment. (Of course, that's a whole other story altogether.) I must not have strange men anywhere near my bed — not even in the vicinity. I must... to bed... alone.
True. Like I said, I haven't exactly been drowning in propositions, but... alas... a girl can always get laid. Really. It's true. A girl can always get laid.
I'm locking up the merchandise and throwing away the key, people. Maria, I know you'll be disappointed, but what am I to do? Your little quest for suitors simply didn't bear results.
So.. I guess I'll join Amber for a while.. on her little man ban (and big men, too). Hell, maybe there is indeed strength in numbers. And if not, maybe we can at least satisfy ourselves with a bit of cock-teasing for a while. I have to say, I've never been much of a cock tease. I've always been much to directed for that. I like to stay on message, get to the point, see things through, so to speak. Free delivery, baby. But our delivery service has been called to a halt. Hell, we don't even have take out now. Restaurant closed for restoration. Closed until further notice.
[[Ok. I have to be honest. I'm not throwing away the key. I'm just hiding it for a while. If you're really interested, it'll be in my left shoe. I'm not encouraging anything here.. just wanted you to know.]]
I knew you didn't really swallow that key...
There's nothing wrong with taking some time for yourself and figuring out what you want/need apart from any other.
And if it makes you feel any better, I freaked out on my first date after my divorce too. Not quite to the extent you did, but it was definitely an eye-opening experience.
And, Anonymous, of course she didn't swallow the damn key. Are you unable to interpret symbolism?
So.. what happened on the date? Do tell. (or better yet.. post it in your blog)
Your wish is my command. ;)
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