Tuesday, October 10, 2006

What is up with this new prescription culture? It seems no one can fend off a diagnosis these days. As long as it has a name, we'll diagnosis it. And if it doesn't, we'll make one up. ADD, ADHD, OCBD, QQQQ. Fuck! Why can't we just feel the way we do... and deal the way we do? What ever happened to working through our problems. No. It's all meds now. Just pop a pill and heal. And then "they" wonder why we search for an escape, why we aim to numb ourselves. We've been taught so.

Aren't we even allowed to feel anything anymore? What's wrong with being touched by the world around you? If you're too high, you need a tranquilizer. If you're too low, you need something to get those endorphins up again. Whatever! We're ruining the rollercoaster ride, man. Isn't life all about feeling and dealing. I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all. Right now... well... I grow more numb every day.. except for a dull throbbing pain that reminds me I'm alive. I treasure that pain. Why would they want to take it away from me? I might then be dead.

Fuck psycho-babble-bullshit. Fuck the M.D.s and and all other initials and anagrams. I've had about enough of floating letters.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes pain is a luxury---It feels good in it's own twisted way. Sometimes it's so bad that a little chemical relief is in order. I guess you're not feeling that bad yet. And I hope you never do.

Dulcinea said...

hmmm.. not a bad idea... just might work.

Anonymous said...

D, I totally agree! There's a difference between feeling really bad and a chemical balance that needs attention. Doctors are all too often willing to assume the latter instead of actually working to understand the root of the problem. They should be helping people develop action plans that create success and boost self-esteem. Only then do we develop healthy coping mechanisms that will also aide us in the future and break our dependence on substances.

Alexis said...

You need to get laid.


Dulcinea said...

Why? It's not like I'd feel anything.

girlfriday said...

I thought you'd been self medicating for years.