Monday, October 09, 2006

I am a criminal.. or at least well on my way. (Should I not be writing this? Maybe I'll skip the details. Sorry.)

I have been asked — or rather, guilted — into... well... insurance fraud of sorts, I suppose. What's a girl to do? What IS a girl to do? What won't we do for our friends? Where do we draw the line?

And can someone please tell me why I have so many "shady" friends. Damn! I must be drawn to it somehow. Again... my masochistic tendencies grab hold.

And again... I pay for feeding bears. (No, my darling M, you are not a bear. I just couldn't resist.)

addendum: Talk about coincidences. This in today's local news. Urgh!


Hulles said...

Be true.

Alexis said...

Oh come on. Insurance fraud? You're being dramatic.

Besides, we made a deal, right?

Dulcinea said...

Deal made.. and signed in blood. Don't sweat it. You know me. Anything for a friend.

Alexis said...

God, what is that horrible gnashing sound? Oh right, that's me biting my tongue.

Dulcinea said...

Good girl. I just had to make sure you were going to hold your end. Deals on, baby. I'm seeing Dr. Johnson tomorrow.