Friday, October 06, 2006

I am a walking contradiction. I am an Idiot. I am a nut.

I have just been called on my bullshit.

How can I ask people not to talk about Q, when my fucking blog is called Q-less?!

True. True. But... Unabridged (v 1.0.1) - Cite This Source -less
an adjective suffix meaning “without” (childless; peerless), and in adjectives derived from verbs, indicating failure or inability to perform or be performed (resistless; tireless).

So.. let's just go with that, eh? ... just for mental health reasons.


Hulles said...

The blog is unfortunately named.... I have always thought that you and I would end up living "alone together" in some house somewhere in our dotage. Just so you don't have loud sex ever.... XOXOXO.

Dulcinea said...

I don't know how I feel about you always thinking I'd end up alone, hulles. Hmmm... when exactly did you draw this conclusion? Is it because I'm so darn difficult, because I'm so darn weird, because I'm just too exigent, or just too damn PERFECT?! I'll just assume the latter.