Thursday, October 05, 2006

I have spent far too much time -- over the past five years -- apologizing for myself, so I shall not do so now. But I must point out, before I begin, that I am quite aware of the inherent contradiction of my engaging in this blog endeavor. I have wasted many an hour complaining about the sheer vanity of blogging... as if every trite thought we all have is indeed worthy of publishing. Urgh! It pains to me to even say it. And yet, here I am. And it is ever so fitting that I begin with such a completely inane post. The most common post of all in the blog-o-sphere is, after all, the apology.


Dulcinea said...

Can I blog about Maria's cat, though? Certainly no one could object to Felicia!

I don't even know what the hell to write, girl. I suck at this.

Hulles said...

I completely agree with Amber: "But lady, if you've got something to say, fucking say it." Couldn't have said it better myself.